Archive for August 12th, 2014

How To Glue Lenses On Your Spiderman Costume Mask?

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Customers need to glue lenses when they receive their orders (to avoid that the lenses be damaged during delivery and we are very sorry if there is any inconvenience).But it should be very easy.

You may use super glue or any other glue that can glue fabrics or glue-gun to do that and we recommend glue-gun.


If you do not have the glue-gun or super glue,you may just use “hot-melt-glue” to apply lenses into your mask.The tips are provided by one of our customers and thank you so much!

You need a firelighter.

Step:1 Make the glue melt

Step:2 paint the glue on the back of the lenses and you should start from “the corner of the eye”

Step:3  put/press the lenses on the mask (please hold at lest 10 secs)

Then you need to repeat step 1,step 2 and step 3… usually need about 10 minutes to finish this work.

Note: the melting glue will become solid soon and please Do Not paint much melting glue on the lenses each time(we recommend painting a little each time).

If you want a the hot-melt-glue,please comment on your order regarding it and we will send you one together with your order and it is free,of course.